When going out on the trails it is important to have the right gear to help you out while camping or on the trails. The only problem is where to store things in your Jeep without causing clutter. Warn's Epic Trail Gear bags are a great way to start and their Roll Bar Cylinder Bags will give you a place to put gear like tow straps or whatever else you can think of that is out of the way safely secured to your roll bar. Comes in your choice of a medium size bag or a large size bag.
Medium Bag measures 10.25" long and 5.5" round.
Large Bag measures 11.5" long and 6.5" round.Learn More
Premium Quality: Made from marine grade vinyl and high grade zippers these epic gear bags will stand up to all types of conditions and abuse. UV resistant fabric make sure that your bags will not fade and look good for years to come.
Roll Bar Storage: Gives you a great out of the way place to store items instead of having them scattered about in your Jeep. Safely attaches to your roll bar using straps to keep it secure.
Installation: Installs safe and securely on your roll bar near your cargo area.Specs
For Medium:
For Large:
WARN Epic Trail Gear Roll Bar Cylinder Bag Options
Part Number | Catalog # | Size | Price | |
102651 | 14045-2015 | Medium | $39.31 | |
102652 | 14045-2016 | Large | $47.43 |
When going out on the trails it is important to have the right gear to help you out while camping or on the trails. The only problem is where to store things in your Jeep without causing clutter. Warn's Epic Trail Gear bags are a great way to start and their Roll Bar Cylinder Bags will give you a place to put gear like tow straps or whatever else you can think of that is out of the way safely secured to your roll bar. Comes in your choice of a medium size bag or a large size bag.
Medium Bag measures 10.25" long and 5.5" round.
Large Bag measures 11.5" long and 6.5" round.Learn More
Premium Quality: Made from marine grade vinyl and high grade zippers these epic gear bags will stand up to all types of conditions and abuse. UV resistant fabric make sure that your bags will not fade and look good for years to come.
Roll Bar Storage: Gives you a great out of the way place to store items instead of having them scattered about in your Jeep. Safely attaches to your roll bar using straps to keep it secure.
Installation: Installs safe and securely on your roll bar near your cargo area.Specs
For Medium:
For Large:
WARN Epic Trail Gear Roll Bar Cylinder Bag Options
Part Number | Catalog # | Size | Price | |
102651 | 14045-2015 | Medium | $39.31 | |
102652 | 14045-2016 | Large | $47.43 |